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P. 101

         Learn more             Solar System                     Saturn      Uranus Neptune
         Learn more

           1 Look and write.
               Look and write.




           2 Read and complete.
               Read and complete.

         Our solar system has 8 planets and a Sun in the center. The four inner planets close to

         the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are often called the "terrestrial planets"
         because their surfaces are rocky. The four large outer worlds - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,

         and Neptune - are sometimes called the Jovian or "Jupiter-like" planets. They're also
         mostly made of gases like hydrogen, helium, and ammonia rather than of rocky surfaces.

         Jupiter and Saturn are sometimes called the gas giants, while Uranus and Neptune are
         called the ice giants. We call Mars ‘The red planet’ because of its colour while Saturn has

         large rings made of ice and dust.


         a.  There are ________ planets in our solar system.

         b.  Mercury, Venus, ________, and Mars - the four inner planets close to the Sun.

         c.  The four large outer worlds - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are sometimes
            called the _________ or "Jupiter-like" planets.

         d.  The four large outer planets are also mostly made of _______ like hydrogen, helium,
            and ammonia.

         e.  We call Mars ‘The ______ planet’ because of its colour while Saturn has large rings
            made of ice and dust.

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